We haven’t had consistent cell service for a few days and have been enjoying hikes and stunning views across Colorado.
Our first stop in Colorado was Colorado Springs to visit Kelly’s good friend, Caitlin, and her husband, Caleb, in their new house. Caitlin has a border collie- Callie Sue- who used to roommate with Kelly when she and Caitlin shared an apartment in Logan Square, Chicago. Kelly has regularly visited Colorado Springs since Caitlin and Callie moved there but the pandemic put an extended pause on those visits the past couple years. Needless to say- we had a great time. Beautiful hiking, delicious food and beer, and the best company anyone could ask for. We were reminded Callie is, and always has been, fairly smitten with Alex and she was happy to be reunited w her boyfriend. We hiked in the Sangre de Cristo Valley to a gorgeous mountain lake and enjoyed some local brewery beer. We are thankful to have reinstated the annual Colorado Springs visit.

Gorgeous photos. Have a great trip yous guys.